Method Statements


Image result for grey quote marks the best way to produce method statements is to involve the people who actually carry out the workImage result for grey quote marks


Method statements are documented procedures that set out how to safely perform tasks and activities in the workplace. They can sometimes be confused with permits to work, but they're different from those in a couple of ways.

Firstly, method statements are used for specific jobs and tasks whereas permits to work may cover a wider project, consisting of many different jobs and tasks.

Secondly, permits to work are reserved for high hazard projects such as working on high-voltage electrical circuits, or working in confined spaces, whereas method statements are for the more routine jobs that get carried out in the workplace.

Method statements help to ensure consistency when it comes to performing jobs safely and they can form a useful resource for the effective induction and ongoing training of staff. The best way to produce method statements is to involve the people who actually carry out the work that the method statement is being produced for, and making them simple and easy to follow (avoid technical terms and jargon).

Gave us a call, or complete the form if you would like some help with your method statements.