IOSH Managing Safely Course Syllabus

Module one: Introducing managing safely

  • The three key moral, legal and financial reasons for managing safely 
  • Manager responsibility and accountability for safety and health in the workplace 

Module two: Assessing risks

  • Definitions of the terms ‘hazard’, ‘hazardous event’ and ‘risk’ 
  • Definition of the term ‘risk assessment’ 
  • Definition of the terms ‘likelihood’ and ‘consequence’ 
  • Risk assessment process and risk rating systems 
  • The benefits of carrying out risk assessment 

Module three: Controlling risks

  • Definition of the term ‘reasonably practicable’ 
  • How to evaluate risk using a risk matrix and how to control those risks 
  • How to reduce risk by applying the ‘hierarchy of risk control’ 
  • How implementing risk controls can impact the likelihood of an incident, 
  • consequence of an incident or both factors 
  • Definition of the term ‘residual risk’ 
  • Modules two and three should include a practical activity to spot hazards, assess and control risk 

Module four: Understanding responsibilities

  • An overview of what the law requires an organisation to do to protect the safety and health of workers and other persons under its control 
  • Definition of the term ‘reasonably foreseeable’ 
  • The three knowledge tests to help determine ‘reasonably foreseeable’ risks: common, industry and expert knowledge
  • The difference between criminal law and civil law in relation to safety and health 
  • The possible outcomes of not working within the law 
  • Where to find help and guidance for working within the law 
  • The key parts, and the elements of each part, of a health and safety management system 
  • The key benefits of introducing a health and safety management system 
  • Why leadership is an essential part of a health and safety management system 

Module five: Understanding hazards

  • The six main hazard categories and how hazards can fall into more than one group: 
    • - mechanical
    • - physical
    • - chemical
    • - environmental
    • - biological
    • - organisational
  • Common hazards in the workplace, their effects and symptoms and how to manage them. Hazards covered are:
    • - aggression and violence
    • - asbestos
    • - bullying
    • - chemicals
    • - computer workstations
    • - confined spaces
    • - drugs and alcohol
    • - electricity
    • - fire
    • - getting in and out
    • - heights
    • - housekeeping
    • - lighting
    • - manual handling
    • - noise
    • - plant and machinery
    • - radiation
    • - slips and trips
    • - stress
    • - temperature
    • - vehicles and transport
    • - vibration
    • - any other relevant hazards

Module six: Investigating incidents

  • Definition of the terms ‘incident’, ‘accident’ and ‘near miss’ 
  • Reasons to investigate incidents 
  • The benefits of incident investigation 
  • Definition of the terms ‘immediate’, ‘underlying’ and ‘root’ causes in relation to incidents
  • The actions to be taken following an incident 
  • Incident reporting 
  • The stages of a structured approach to incident investigation 

Module seven: Measuring performance

  • The three essential principles for good safety and health performance 
  • What types of information performance indicators can give to help improve safety and health in the workplace
  • The characteristics of good key performance indicators 
  • The differences between ‘proactive’ and ‘reactive’ performance indicators 
  • What is meant by ‘auditing’ 
  • The two types of auditing: internal and external 
  • Types of evidence used in an audit