Risk assessment is one of the cornerstones of effective health and safety management. Some of the terms can be easily confused though (hazard, risk, harm etc.), and if your new to health and safety, the correct sequence of steps isn't always easy to remember either.

Take a look at our infographic and see if it helps you to remember the process.

If, you've got a IOSH or NEBOSH exam coming up, why not print the infographic out and pin it up somewhere where you will see it often throughout the day (the inside of cupboard doors, or on the back of the bathroom door are good spots).

It only takes a minute to scan the information on the infographic and you can soon get it into your longer term memory by taking advantage of opportunities to scan the information.

As a suggestion - stick it on the back of the kitchen cupboard and scan the information while you're waiting for the kettle to boil when you're next making a brew.

Please feel free to share.

five steps to risk assessment